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URBAN UKE PROJECT a.k.a. UUP is a free ukulele music program for city youth. Started in Baltimore in 2017, UUP not only teaches kids how to play and perform the ukulele, UUP teaches them the basic principles of music theory and how to compose melodies. Additionally, kids will learn various genres, including classical music. Because our founder has a love for green spaces, look out for various spring and summer chamber music

performances around the city by our youth.





WHY ukulele?

The ukulele is probably the easiest instrument to learn to play and it is so much fun! It literally brings joy to anyone who is listening and playing. You can play virtually any song on the ukulele. 

Kids LOVE ukulele!

You may be surprised but kids, especially ages 5-9, absolutely love playing the ukulele! You should see their eyes twinkle when they are given the opportunity to strum the strings. What better time to get them started playing an instrument?


22 Apr 2021


UUP wants to help create a sense of vibrancy in the city by partnering with local businesses 

© 2021 by Urban Uke Project.

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